Guide to Workouts and Side Quests [DOWNLOADABLE]

There are two ways you can work through this program:

① You can choose to stick to the basics of the program and choose to only complete the daily program workouts.

② You can choose to maximize the program schedule and complete the daily program workouts AND the listed (almost) daily side quest workouts.

We’ve provided downloadable calendar options for you (in the last module) to follow while you progress through the program, in monthly and weekly views. While we know these traditional calendar options will work for most, we also wanted to provide a version for those who love a good checklist, like going through an epic tandem read!
Electrokickboxing X Valkyrie Squad
While the Electrokickboxing and Valkyrie Squad programs mesh together already, we’ve created a full calendar with revised side quests.

• This guide does not include Valkyrie Drills or Warrior Sets as the focus of this calendar variation is the fundamentals of Kickboxing alongside the strength training of Valkyrie Squad.

• There are days that repeat themselves so you can see how far you’ve come OR you can choose to complete the other side quests to add in some variety and fandoms.