Learn About Each Cycle Phase

Let’s dive in and learn about the phases of our cycle and the types of movements we will be doing in each phase.

Our bodies move through four distinct phases during the cycle, each with unique changes in energy, hormones, and mood. Rather than fighting against these changes, we’re all about working with our bodies—focusing on movements that match how we feel, optimizing strength, and balancing our hormones.
Menstrual Phase

Our period is here. While our body works hard to shed the uterine lining, our hormone and energy levels are at their lowest. This is the time to take it easy and focus on gentle movements like stretching, restorative yoga, gentle walks, and rest.

Follicular Phase

Your cycle has restarted, and your estrogen and testosterone levels are rising. We can go a little more intense in workouts like tabata, strength training, circuit training, short jogs, hikes, and our signature H.I.P. (high-intensity pilates).

Ovulatory Phase

As the egg is released, we have our highest amount of energy. Maximizing this time to do more intense workouts like in the follicular phase, adding heavier workouts, longer runs, and hikes.

Luteal Phase

As our body prepares for the menstrual cycle, our energy decreases. Progesterone, the dominant hormone, increases, bringing symptoms of PMS. We’ll focus on pilates, yoga, mobility, and bodyweight training.